AFN tables a resolution to support Ballot Measure 1

Excerpt from an Alaska Beacon article published on 10/19/2024 sourced here:

But a resolution in support of Ballot Measure 1 never made it to a vote. 

Ballot Measure 1 would raise the state’s minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2027, require employers to pay sick leave, and bar employers from requiring workers to attend political or religious meetings. 

A motion to table the resolution supporting Ballot Measure 1 was introduced by Curtiss Chamberlain, assistant general counsel for Calista Corp., the regional Native corporation for the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta region. 

Chamberlain noted that many village corporations face declining revenue because of the projected decline in revenue being shared by the Red Dog mine. The potential added costs from the ballot measure trouble village corporations in Calista’s region, he said.    

“A few brought their concerns to our attention,” he said. “And with that, and based on those discussions and concerns, I respectfully ask that this be tabled.” 

Debra Call, a member of the Cook Inlet Tribal Council, unsuccessfully spoke in favor of the resolution and against the motion to table it. 

“You really need to raise the standard of living of many of our people, and this is the start to do that,” Call said of the minimum wage increase. 

She later added: “I would request that we support this resolution for the betterment of all of Alaska, particularly those who are in jobs that don’t pay what they can live on, so it’s about a living wage.”

The delegates tabled the resolution by a voice vote.

To learn more about the Ballot Measure visit


OPINION: Protect small businesses — vote no on Ballot Measure 1


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