Alaska ACT Alaska ACT

Alaska businesses are divided over a ballot measure that would raise minimum wage and mandate sick leave

David Ottoson has owned Rainbow Foods, a natural grocery store in Juneau for 44 years. Most of his 30 employees already earn more than $15 an hour, but a handful of highschoolers make $14. They all earn paid time off. 

He said his wages are competitive with other grocery stores, and thinks it’s part of the reason he’s able to retain employees. 

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Alaska ACT Alaska ACT

Research: When a Higher Minimum Wage Leads to Lower Compensation

In the U.S., we’re seeing an increasing number of calls to increase the national minimum wage to $15/hour. Many states and municipalities have already passed minimum wage hikes in the last several years, and a variety of proposals are under consideration at the federal level. However, economists remain uncertain as to the long-term impact of these policies on the welfare of American workers. Some studies suggest that raising minimum wage has a small negative effect on employment rates, while others find no such adverse effect on employment.

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Alaska ACT Alaska ACT

OPINION: Protect small businesses — vote no on Ballot Measure 1

Ballot Measure 1 would change Alaska’s current minimum wage and paid leave laws and violate current federal law that protects small business owners’ free speech rights to communicate with their employees on labor issues. To add insult to injury, this trifecta of increased regulation and burdensome cost is not coming from the lawmakers duly elected by the people of our state, but from out-of-state interests, including a labor union from New York City and two special interest groups from Washington, D.C., that use dark money to advance their own agendas.

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Alaska ACT Alaska ACT

AFN tables a resolution to support Ballot Measure 1

Ballot Measure 1 would raise the state’s minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2027, require employers to pay sick leave, and bar employers from requiring workers to attend political or religious meetings. A motion to table the resolution supporting Ballot Measure 1 was introduced by Curtiss Chamberlain, assistant general counsel for Calista Corp., the regional Native corporation for the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta region. 

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Alaska ACT Alaska ACT

OPINION: Short-sighted ballot measure threatens Alaska’s economy

On Nov. 5, Alaskans will vote whether to raise prices on goods and services across the state while discouraging investment and hastening job loss. Ballot Measure 1, “An Act Increasing the Minimum Wage, Requiring Paid Sick Leave, and Prohibiting Mandatory Meetings About Religious or Political Issues” is an outsider-funded referendum carrying significant hidden costs undermining the measure’s purported goals

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Alaska ACT Alaska ACT

AFN indefinitely tables a resolution to support Ballot Measure 1

The Alaska Federation of Natives, meeting at the Dena’ina Civic and Convention Center less than three weeks before the Nov. 5 election, also decided in a voice vote to indefinitely table a resolution that expressed support for Ballot Measure 1. The measure seeks to increase the minimum wage and improve other working conditions.

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Alaska ACT Alaska ACT

2024 Ballot Measures: California, Alaska Minimum Wage Hikes Would Drive Up Costs & Hurt Small Business

Ballot questions to raise the minimum wage remain a threat to jobs and businesses in the states. Raising the minimum wage will have catastrophic repercussions for America’s lowest earners. Many small businesses, and several larger businesses, run razon thin margins to be profitable. Restaurants for example operate at a 3% profit margin, and those employees will be the most affected by this change.

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Alaska ACT Alaska ACT

PSPA Position Opposing Alaska Ballot Measure 1

The Pacific Seafood Processors Association (PSPA) stands with other business sectors in Alaska in opposition to Ballot Measure 1.

Ballot Measure 1 has three parts. The first part, increases to minimum wage, would have no direct impact on PSPA companies, because they already pay workers more than minimum wage.

The second part of Ballot Measure 1 requires up to 56 hours of paid annual sick leave for all employees, including seasonal workers, and would negatively impact PSPA shoreside processors.

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Lizzie Sheffield Lizzie Sheffield

Randy Daly: Ballot Measure 1 is a bad idea. Here’s why

Ballot Measure Number 1, an act increasing the minimum wage in Alaska, does not get much discussion, which may lead to it passing, and that would be a bad thing for Alaska. As an Alaskan business owner, I know firsthand that increasing expenses without an increase in value to the consumer leads to price increases for customers.

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Lizzie Sheffield Lizzie Sheffield

OPINION: Ballot Measure 1 puts Alaska’s small businesses and workers at risk

As the debate around Ballot Measure 1 picks up steam, Alaskans from all walks of life should take a closer look at the real consequences this measure would inflict. Despite claims of this initiative supporting working Alaskans, it is clear it will do more harm than good — especially for small businesses and workers who are already struggling just to get by in today’s difficult economic environment.

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